I am a product designer, keen on making our existing contexts better.

Currently employed as full-time staff.

UI/UX Product Designer

Linkedin / CV 

Trojan horsing Ads into Chatbots

Startup Adtech Product, Chatbot

Previous designers gem findings.


Previous designers’ new trophy format. Target liked the idea but elected not to buy exclusively.

Very demanding IxD with limited payoff reveals design-driven egofetishim does not pay dividends when the visual language encourages users to not care.

Data showing that due to this format, users not only checked out but also then completely disengaged from all future adtech placements on the page.

Iterating is useful

Those who cannot see must be shown. Robust iteration is most helpful for those who cannot overcome their own preconcieved notions.

Variously formatted handoffs for different usecases


Software Engineering:

Testing Output: 

Finding a non-branded v2 in the wild

More Iteration

Iteration is important. Through such projects and processes, I increased public marketplace inventory by 65% and private marketplace inventory by 300% during my tenure.

Here you can see more sweat in this link (disclaimer HERE: this link will bounce to an external reference point). The showcase highlights 30 out of the 120 examples from this role.
