Brian Sing

I’m a digital UX product designer, always open to making our existing contexts better. 

Brian Sing

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Digital Product Designer
+1 (310) 948-1643
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TMRW Specimen Management System → move lots of beacons  

TMRW Specimen Management
Web App for Off-Site Storage

        This page reviews the Specimen Management System ​(webapp) that TMRW uses to manage its CryoRobots. This page will specifically focus on UIUX for off-site storage.

Some General Context:

0. TMRW’s Specimen Management System web app is how users facilitate operations across their suite of CryoRobot, including off-site storage.

1. context: Medium format automated CryoRobot storage.

2. context: Large format automated CryoRobot storage.

3. example TMRW’s offsite storage solution img 1 of 2
4. example of TMRW’s offsite storage img 2 of 2

        By using existing robots as offsite storage, clinics can avoid needing to make onsite-specific expansions in order to increase their storage capacity. 

My Challenge:

Scale a one-at-a-time experience

5. image of TMRW’s specimen management system

       TMRW’s Specimen Management System is a robust web-based desktop app that works as a control center for all of a clinic’s robots across the ivfOS ecosystem.

        Prior to my entry, the entirety of the existing processing methods for cross-site movement was conceived as a 1-by-1 at a time process.

         Not accounting for the time-in-lab an embryologist would take collect specimens, initiating track-and-trace for moving 42 specimens (“creating a Relocation Ticket”) was recorded in testing to take about TWO HOURS.

       For a business predicated upon cryostorage, with instances of clients with over 2500 specimens, and the onus to initiate track-and-trace on the clients’ workflows, a 1-by-1 set-up-process would be impossible, essentially making partnering with TMRW’s business unfeasible strictly given the labor.

       This is where the feature comes in.

Thesis: Multi-create is faster than one at a time...

A one at a time software flow that cannot keep up with the physical demand almost begs for IxD like multiselect and filter-against-available-inventory.

6. one CryoBeacon can hold a dozen of eggs

7. a CryoGrid can hold up to 49 CryoBeacons

We proposed this premise to a range of sample clinics who in turn advocated that these would solve a range of use cases. 

Screenshot (BEFORE) of the Previous “Create a Relocation Ticket” flow
Screenshot (AFTER) of the *New*  “Create a Relocation Ticket” flow using the same IxD patterns and components to trim the UX down while simultaneously allowing for exponentially greater revenue stream

Among the issues we recorded in this process, we found users bouncing from this flow well over half the time within the first three clicks. These users that left were often going to other areas in the SMS which listed out numerous specimens. As such, we used this insight to have those key data-fields be the attributes by which we collected a pool of specimens for embryologists to begin relocating in bulk.

Over 50% bounce rate of previous flow due to users returning to specimens details page for specific criteria. Our solution would allow them to search by the very criteria they were leaving the original flow for.

This in turn lead us to use that weakness as a strength, particularly using those clinic conversations to zero in on key details to use as search criteria. 

Iterating: ‘Mass Create’ 

 Creating ‘Relocation Tickets’ en mass (up to 98).

7. sketch of pre-creation confirmation screen

8. following design director’s instruction to use existing components to explore decisioning points

       Our design team put heavy emphasis on ensuring users had plenty of room to review their decisions. As designer №2, I executed all UIUX decisioning following the design director’s initial lead on this flow.

       However, as I contexutalized my bearings against embryology through extensive conversations with in-house as well as user-pool embryologists though, I eventually found this flow to be outside of the core of this embryology workflow, which was instead housed within a separate business’ digital experience of ‘electronic-medical-record’ (EMR) software.

9. screenshot of EMR interface highlighting problematic UI

       Among other process points, this heavily undermined the existing work, particularly as in many instances, for many of TMRW’s clinic-clients, operating through an EMR is an essential predefined part of the workflow.  

EMR workflows begged for a pivot into a shorter and more flattened process.

       Over several months in tandem with hardware product teams, software developers, embryologists, this final flow was cut. As opposed to radio-button selection based off two search criteria, multiselect powered by robust search criteria curated through business needs took the fore.  This flow mirrors the existing one-at-a-time process but with an additional step for search and review.

10. finalized flow on right

No more multiview. Agile, number of search criteria limit, etc.

11. search and review 

12. various states for search and review

       In conclusion, through an interative process, we included an additional room for review, but limited it to one and not three screens, and included robust search functionality that could be stackable and exchangable in order to complement newfound speed with increased precisions lacking in the original one-at-a-time workflow.

Post Release Iteration

More accessible “Reset Button” and revisited Button text to align with smoother expectations!
